14 members fished this one, and despite the traffic congestion and parking problems we all managed to park near the fort eventually.
No-one took a chance on trying the Rock Channel, so we all fished Perch Rock, and everyone weighed in. The bags were a good mix of dabs, whiting, flounders and plaice, with an odd rockling and a weever thrown in.
John Jones took the top spot with 2.56kgs. and drew the golden card as well
so he went home with a shade over £500.
I was close behind on 2.30 for 2nd place with John Davies 3rd on 2.10,Gary Bates took 4th with 1.90, to stay top of the league. Mike Peters was 5th with 1.87 and Norman Dorling 6th with 1.75.
Norman had the heaviest fish, a flounder of 0.55, and top team were Norman and myself. No ladies or juniors fished.