The WBAC winter open will be held on Sunday 9th November 2008.
The entry fee is £20 per angler with a £10 optional pool 100% of which will be paid out over the first three places.
The entry fee entitles you to win one of the following prizes for the heaviest COD caught on the day.
1st PRIZE £1000
2ndPRIZE £250
3rd PRIZE £150
There will be a further prize table from 4th to 12th place.
Launching will be by tractor from 8am until 11am and this will be a timed 5 hour match.
Booking in from 7am at West Cheshire Sailing Club coastal drive wallasey which is the opposite end of the promenade from the launch slipway.
This year there will be a limited number of entrys so pre booking is advised.
Further details from Ken Dunn 0151-426-5011