I joined the Abergele lads yesterday to fish the Mersey with Gwinny poo aboard Goldilocks and what a laugh we had. 5 out of the 10 lads cried off the day before so we had acres of space to spread our wings.
It was a bit of an early start we were up at 3am and in Liverpool for 4.45. The kettle was on waiting for us so we had a quick brew in the lock and then we were away down the icy Mersey (think it was -7 when we got there!)
It was a bit of slow start fishing the ebb but Gwinny had put us on a few fish and by the time we’d had our cooked breakfast and tried a couple of different spots we had 5 cod insize on the boat, most were 2-3lb and by the news from all the other boats we weren’t doing to bad at all.
Tommy with a couple of fish.
The lads
We had Manc dave with a couple of good jokes he’d lost interest at the start because he was suffering with frost bite in his toes so whilst he was defrosting in the wheel house we reeled his line up and put a cod on his hook (rigor mortis had set in, mouth open and all that) and dropped it back down, we gave him a shout that his rod was bouncing so out he comes with bog roll wrapped round his now insulated feet, reels up the dead cod knocks it on the head thinking it was freshly caught and the whole boat burst into laughter and he was oblivious until later on! 1 of those moments were you had to be there. Here he is made up with the cod!
We also thought it would be a good idea to put a black pudding on his hook.
We moved up river for the flood and it turned out to be a good move in the end with a lot more fish coming aboard we ended up with 17 insize cod a load of whiting and small cod.The biggest fish of the day fell to Steve on his last cast a fine fish of 4lb12oz.
That’s tea sorted for a few days this week.
A big thanks to Gwinny for putting up with us and putting us on the fish.
And thanks to Steve Quinn for the cooking the breakfast and sorting the brews out.
Cheers lads.