A decent forecast at last! 4 boats fished match number 5 out of Colwyn Bay.
The 2 boats that went out that extra bit further to the Dublin wreck finished 1st and 2nd with the extra bits they picked up out there which included some nice ling,pollack,huss etc.
Top boat on the day was Basshunter with 13 species and 2 specimins for 65 points (24.12.08lb).
2nd was Lady M with 13 species for 58 points (12.15.08lb)
3rd was o2b@c with 12 species for 54 points (08.12.00lb)
4th was Jo-Amm with 8 species and 1 specimen for 44 points (06.07.04lb)
Heaviest round fish went to Basshunter with a huss of 09.15.04lb and the rollover heaviest flat fish prize went to Jo-amm with a Dab of 8oz.