The Millson Cup for the junior summer league champion.
Thomas Jones, 55 points, 404 cms.
Replica for second in the summer league.
Stephen Higginson, 30 points, 536 cms.
Replica for third in the junior summer league.
Elliot Roberts, 30 points, 349 cms.
The JT trophy for the junior winter league champion.
Thomas Jones, 30 points, 320 cms.
Replica for second in the winter league.
Elliot Roberts, 27 points, 96 cms.
Replica for third in the winter league.
Stephen Higginson, 19 points, 83 cms.
Stephen Higginson wins the trophy for top junior in the shore section winter league, and the Percival trophy and £20 for top junior in the summer shore league.
Thomas Jones wins a replica and £15 for second in the summer shore league.
Moore Trophy - Tom Jones, Dog, 02.09.08
Pat Hyde Trophy – Tom Jones, 1 specimen, Dog, 02.09.08
Well done to you all!
I will post the time and date of presentation night once it is decided.