Here is a list of the awards that can only be won by junior club members.
Junior league
The Millson Cup for the junior summer league champion.
Replica for second in the summer league.
Replica for third in the junior summer league.
The JT trophy for the junior winter league champion.
Replica for second in the winter league.
Replica for third in the winter league.
Shore league
Top Junior in the Summer shore league. - The Percival Trophy + replica + £20
Second placed junior – replica + £15
Third placed junior – replica + £10
Top junior in the winter shore league. Trophy
Heaviest/specimen fish
Moore Trophy, awarded to the junior catching the heaviest fish from the shore inside club waters.
Pat Hyde Trophy, awarded to the junior member over 11 years old, who catches the highest number of different specimens from boat and shore within club waters.
D W Hyde Trophy, awarded to the junior member under 11 years old, who catches the highest number of different species over specimen weight, from boat and shore within club waters.
These are in addition to the many awards on offer for that can also be won by junior anglers as well as seniors.